
The entire home page “Via” is in all parts protected by the copyright law. Any use outside the constricted parameters of the copyright law without the express and written permission of the owner of the page is illegal and punishable. This applies to any use of the photographs, the topographical maps, the descriptions and so forth, in any form of duplication, translation, print media, digital saving and saving on microfilm and includes any use in electronic systems.
The home page “Via” was developed with great care and attention to detail; however all information and data is distributed without any guarantees. The inventor of the trail, the route planners, writers, photographers and cartographers assume no responsibility for any disadvantages or damages that may occur as a result of the information published on this site and will not be held accountable.
It is the duty of all trail users to properly educate themselves regarding the state of the trail through the appropriate institutions and resources, such as the tourist association. At the same time, reservations for overnight stays should be made in advance and the transportation schedules for both bus and train, as well as the weather forecast, should be consulted prior to the start of the journey.

Website construction: MarsichDesign
Route planning: Christjan Ladurner and Mauro Tumler
Photos and text: Christjan Ladurner –
Maps: Athesia Tappeiner Verlag
Italian translation: Barbara Benedini
English proofreading: Kelly Nadeau


The entire home page “Via” is in all parts protected by the copyright law. Any use outside the constricted parameters of the copyright law without the express and written permission of the owner of the page is illegal and punishable. This applies to any use of the photographs, the topographical maps, the descriptions and so forth, in any form of duplication, translation, print media, digital saving and saving on microfilm and includes any use in electronic systems.
The home page “Via” was developed with great care and attention to detail; however all information and data is distributed without any guarantees. The inventor of the trail, the route planners, writers, photographers and cartographers assume no responsibility for any disadvantages or damages that may occur as a result of the information published on this site and will not be held accountable.
It is the duty of all trail users to properly educate themselves regarding the state of the trail through the appropriate institutions and resources, such as the tourist association. At the same time, reservations for overnight stays should be made in advance and the transportation schedules for both bus and train, as well as the weather forecast, should be consulted prior to the start of the journey.

Website construction: MarsichDesign
Route planning: Christjan Ladurner and Mauro Tumler
Photos and text: Christjan Ladurner –
Italian translation: Barbara Benedini
English proofreading: Kelly Nadeau
